Rai H. (2017). Negotiation. McGraw Hill Education.
Rai, H. (2005). The Role of Hinduism in Global India and her Business Ethics. In Capaldi, N, (Eds.), Business and Religion: A Clash of Civilizations? Salem, MA:M&M Scrivener Press. 379-389.
Rai, H. (2005). The Emerging World Trade Regime, Social Clause and Implications for Employee Relations Management. In Chawla, K.N., (Eds.), Enhancing Global Business Competitiveness, Delhi: Wisdom Publications. 160-175.
Research Papers
Saxena, N & Rai, H (2016). Correlations and organisational effects of compensation and benefits, job satisfaction, career satisfaction and job stress in public and private hospitals in Lucknow, India. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 11(2), 65-74
Singh, S; Kumar, K; Bhattacharya, A & Rai, H (2016). Estimating and testing the significance of correlation coefficient obtained from truncated bivariate normal distribution. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 19(2), 245-251
Shukla, A & Rai, H (2015). Linking Perceived Organizational Support to Organizational Trust & Commitment: Moderating role of Psychological Capital. Global Business Review, 16(6), 981-996.
Rai, H (2015). Education & Skill Development: Creating an Employable Workforce. CFO Insights, 6, 38-39.
Saxena, N & Rai, H (2015). Impact of Performance Appraisal on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Engineering and Management Sciences, 6(2), 95-104.
Shukla, A & Rai, H (2015). Interactive Effects of Psychological Capital and Perceived Support in Developing Trust and Commitment among Indian IT Executives. Employment Relations Record, 14(2), 66-87.
Saxena, N & Rai H (2015). The correlation effects between recruitment, selection, training, development and employee stress, satisfaction and commitment: findings from a survey of 30 hospitals in India. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 15(2), 142-161.
Rai, H (2014). An Exploratory Study on the Morphology and Measurement of Spirituality: Development of a Scale. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 8(4), 459-472.
Rai, H (2013). Empowering your Conscience. Complete Wellbeing, 8(2), 87-88.
Rai, H and Singh, M (2013). A Study of Mediating Variables of the Relationship between 360-degree Feedback and Employee Performance. Human Resource Development International (forthcoming).
Rai, H (2013). The Measurement of Negotiating Ability: Evidence from India. Global Journal of Business Research (forthcoming).
Rai, H (2012). Book Review. Samuel Paul: A life and its lessons: Memoirs. Samuel Paul. Metamorphosis, 10 (2), 101-105.
Rai, H (2011). Leadership through Literature. Good to Great: Ideas, Imagination & Innovation, LBSNAA. 25-29.
Rai, H (2010). HRIS: Issues and Implications. Gitam Journal of Management, 8(1), 194-200.
Kumar, M, Rai, H and Pati S (2010). An Exploratory Study on Negotiating Styles: Development of a Measure. Vikalpa, 34(4), 37-49.
Rai, H (2009). Business Education-Motivation to Learn-Knowledge and Skills Transfer Linkage. Indian Journal of Training & Development, 39(1), 21-29
Rai, H (2009). Strategic Human Resource Management: Issues and Effects. Evolution, 1(1), 20-24.
Rai, H (2008). Political Dynamics and Employee Relationship Management. Journal of Indian Management and Strategy, 13(4), 40-43.
Rai, H and Kothari, J (2008). Recruitment Advertising and Corporate Image: Interface between Marketing and Human Resources. South Asian Journal of Management, 15(2), 47-60.
(Rai, H aand Wadhwa, C (2008). Effect of Employer Branding on Recruitment Communication Media: Perception of Graduating Students. Pratibimba, 8(2), 45-53.
Rai, H (2008). Managing Trade Unions at the Firm Level and the Dynamics of Collective Bargaining, Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 44(1), 117-129.
Rai, H and Kulkarni, V (2008). How Close Can You Get-The Effect of Proxemics on LMX. Icfaian Journal of Management Research, 7(9), 7-15
Rai, H (2008). Disputes and Dispute Resolution: The Effect of Union Density on Employee Intention to Quit-an Indian Study. Management & Labour Studies, 33(2) 290-300.
Rai, H (2008). Factors affecting Promotion: Age, Gender and Mentorship.Pragyan: Journal of Management, 6(1), 1-6.
Rai, H (2007). Dispute Handling Capability: Morphology and Modalities-Development of a Model. Management & Labour Studies, 32(2), 183-202.
Rai, H (2004). Book Review. Negotiated Change: Collective Bargaining, Liberalization and Restructuring in India. C.S. Venkataratnam. Vikalpa, 29 (3), 155-157.
Rai, H (2008) An exploratory-formulative study of measurement of negotiating ability. Proceedings of 15th Annual South Dakota International Business Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA.
Rai, H (2007). An exploratory study on the morphology and measurement of spirituality. Proceedings of the AGBA-AAM Joint World Congress, Penang, Malaysia, 2007.
Rai, H and Kothari, Jaya (2006). Recruitment Advertising and Corporate Image: Interface between Marketing and Human Resources. Proceedings of 3rd AIMS International Conference on Management, India.
Rai, H (2005). Dispute Handling Capability: Morphology and Modalities-Development of a Model. Proceedings of Second International Biennale on Negotiation, Paris
Rai, H (2005). The DNA Model: Developing Negotiating Ability with the 5-Dimensional Dispute Handling Capability Framework-Measurement, Theory, Behavioral Pattern Analysis, Role Play, Scenario Building, Feedback and Coaching. Proceedings of Harvard PON-ESSEC IRENE negotiation pedagogy conference, ESSEC, Paris
Rai, H (2004). Hinduism, Business and Ethics. Proceedings of 2004 International and Ecumenical Conference of the Institute for Ethics and Spirituality in Business, New Orleans, US.
Rai, H (2004). The Battle of Sexes-Ingratiation, Gender and LMX. Proceedings of 2ndAIMS International Conference on Management, India.
Rai, H and Kulkarni, Vaibhavi. 2004. How Close Can You Get-The Effect of Proxemics on LMX. Proceedings of 2nd AIMS International Conference on Management, India