Folks, here’s my feedback on your feedback: thanks, it was lovely!
It’s like this – when you set out to accomplish something you are passionate about, it’s always nice to meet a few compliments on the way. It’s nicer still when you encounter well-meant, constructive criticism, which helps you go farther than you had imagined yourself.
When I decided to launch my website, my goal was simply to create a platform where I could connect with people beyond social networking sites, and tap into our collective efforts to talk about issues, and look for solutions’ something I feel strongly about.’
I think we are doing that and much more. And here, your feedback has truly enriched my effort, which is what this blog is dedicated to. It goes out to all those people who took out their time to analyse my effort and give their opinions and suggestions to make it better.
On Saurish’s suggestion, Home Page text no longer has italics, links only have a colour change. As for finding the tag ‘official website’ out of place, I think it’s necessary. Yes, the font is a bit bigger than on commercial websites, but to remind ourselves that this is a text-dominated personal website’ I think it’s easier to read and lends it a certain reading-friendly look. I am open to becoming a celebrity in future; then I’ll do away with all the writing and splash it with pictures instead J (that’s what most of them do, now don’t they!) Moving on, Cheshire Cat is back on your suggestion my friend, I can’t allow my furry feline being missed.
Bharat found the site clutter-free and easy to navigate. Let me say, that’s the way I like it
Parul thinks the site’s a great idea for students to keep in touch with me, but has raised a question over text on the pages being in third person and blogs being in the first person. Well, the text is a description and my blogs are my voice.
I do agree with Saumya on the green banner with the pictures which looks a little bland as of now. Let me assure you I have plans for it. As for chosen verses, they’ll come when I choose some (and I will be doing it very soon, starting with my all-time favourite, The Gita). For now, I wish to keep it simple and minimal.
Survansu Basu (Dada) and Sanjay Dayal, sincere thanks for those encouraging words Aneesya, let’s help keep the site interactive. Neha, thank you for your best wishes, and no, not everybody wrote all good things. But the way I see it, those bad things go a long way in making things better’ so that can’t not be good, can it?!
Kamalakannan, the FIRE course I undertook, was indeed a great experience. Your request for a blog on that is under consideration. It remains to be seen if words can do it justice Also it is a very personal experience and I am not too sure if it can really be replicated out here and generalized! Yet, let me see what I can do in terms of discussing some underlying principles.
I have to say, Anu looked through every nook and cranny, and did call the idea outstanding. All I can say is, feedback begets feedback. So here are answers to the rest:
Yes, the links seem to be equally important, since they follow horizontal eye movement. But, the order in which they occur, do have some hierarchy to them. You’ve stressed on the name, and have asked what it stands for, remarking that the intellectual is not being conveyed. I think the only way I can explicitly do that is make ‘intellectual’ my middle name J And then, I know, you are going to rib me to death!
In any case, I am a simple person who delights in pursuit of knowledge, enjoys teaching it, among other things. I think my website reflects that.
As for clarifying on the choice of the colour theme, I guess I was guided by my recurring moods. I think green’s great for me, symbolic for growth, nature and natural balance.
As for ‘the person’ description going in separate lines and not in a paragraph form, I think it will eerily resemble a CV, so, I gave it a pass.
Suggestion taken on cutting out scrolling, I will try and fix it.
About core propositions running in animated text, umm what are my core propositions? So far, none J. I only have knowledge to share. This way, I can do my bit. For this reason only, I developed the askhimanshurai column for a contact form may fall short of this specialized purpose.
Alok, thank you for your compliment. A calendar of list of events is a great idea as for your request on articles discussing human behavior, psychology, religion et al, it’s coming, watch this space.
As for writing on my school/college life and sharing protected links, that would be better suited on a social networking website.
Gopi, thanks for pointing out that articles in the ‘In the news’ section should follow reverse chronological order of date of publishing. Done!
Another friend’s comment has resulted in a change of some of the pictures.
Finally, Abhishek, thank you for those warm compliments. I shall, with all humility, try to stand up to these expectations. As for having drop-down menus, I believe they are of use when we have multiple titles within pages. Here, I don’t have so many titles. There are sections that fulfill specific purposes.
You are right about modern corporate websites having those, and 4-6 major panels, to increase recall brand value, but may I venture to add, that I am not after brand value here?… This is just me and my way to reach out. If there is to be any financial gain here, it hasn’t happened yet. Nor is it likely to happen J The suggestion about use of Sanskrit/Hindi words is indeed endearing, which prompts me to say, why not the whole site in Hindi/Sanskrit! And you may see that in the future as well!